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Tymoteusz Ley & Agnieszka Stach fra Polen
Lørdag d. 6. april + Søndag d. 7. april 2024
Workshop 1 - Kl. 13:00 - 14:30
Workshop 2 - Kl. 15:00 - 16:30

Milonga Kl. 19:00 - 23:00 
Show med Tymoteusz & Agnieszka

Workshop 3 - 12:00 - 13:30
Workshop 4 - 14:00 - 15:30

De 4 workshops hænger sammen, siger de.


Workshop 1.

Grundlaget for vores teknik i lineære bevægelser:

Forståelse af forskellige kvaliteter af bevægelsen inden for et enkelt trin.

De vil demonstrere deres metode til projektion og mestring gennem hele stepping-processen.


Workshop 2.

Kunsten at lave spiraldrejninger:

Afsløring af deres tekniske hemmeligheder til at lede og følge bløde calesitas.


Workshop 3.

Musikfrasering i calesitas:

Væsentlige tekniske metoder til at skabe en længere musikalsk fortælling.


Workshop 4.

Enhver tango kan fortælle en historie:

Hvordan man forstår den musikalske struktur af tango og laver en sofistikeret fortolkning ved hjælp af simple værktøjer.



Pris for alle 4 workshops: 1000,- pr. person.





Tilmelding ved at overføre på Mobilepay 17138

Skriv "Workshops April"

TYMOTEUSZ LEY and AGNIESZKA STACH are tango teachers and performers based in Krakow (Poland) where they run a tango school. They are also known for being organizers of Krakus Aires Tango Festival and Tango Challenge workshops.


They use the philosophy of natural movement that comes from martial arts. The classes are focus on very precise technique, deep touch and contact. Agnieszka and Tymoteusz push their students to look for new quality of the movement and to challenge their musicality. They are known as rigorous teachers with excellent results who have fans and students all over the world. 


Tymoteusz Ley is one of the most popular tango dancers in Poland. He teach and 

performed in Dubai, Buenos Aires, New York, Cambridge, Barcelona, Kiev, Rome, Cyprus, Crime and others. Tymoteusz was lucky to be a child of tango teachers, so he made his first tango steps when he was a teenager.

Agnieszka Stach has been his partner since December 2016. She started her musical education when she was 6 as a violin player and vocalist. She started her regular ballroom training when she was 10. She has already performed with Orquesta Tipica Misteriosa, Tanghetto,Otros Aires, Grzegorz Frankowski Trio and Bandonegro.

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